Saturday, May 29, 2010

Don't underestimate us!

I HATE it when others comment, "You are just a dentist! How difficult it is to study 32 teeth in the human mouth? And why are you guys busier than the medical students since they study the whole human body (mouth not included)?"

It feels as though the majority of my friends, in fact the society, undervalue us, the dentists! Do you know that our schedule is from 8am to 5pm every day with just 1 hour lunch break (except Friday due to prayers)?? Occasionally till 6pm as we may have extra lab work. Do you know that...............Oh forget it! I am NOT going to go on and on about how difficult and strenuous our course is because, I believe EVERYONE thinks that their own course is difficult.

Then, based on that statement, why are we so underestimated compared to our counterparts??? I soooooo feel like doing this to the next person who perli us!


Liz said...

Who on EARTH said that studying Dentistry is easy??? Crazy arrr?? It's super difficult. I believe that studying TESL has its own challenges (studying the technical parts >.<) but I am grateful that it's not anything else. Dentistry included. Tough weiiii, tough. >.<

Wil Liam said...

It's not EASY Lisa....It's just that comparatively to a medical student, we are undervalued! People think that dentist are soooooooooooo much easier than a medical doctor and that is NOT TRUE!!! Which gets me on my nerves lah....

Liz said...

Don't bother yourself with people like that. Ignorant la. Trust me, you'll meet tons of people out there who are like that. I get it too. People ask me what I'm doing and when I tell them, they say, "Haaaaaa?? You wanna be teacher ar?? Yerr. Why????"
Yeah, to that effect, most of the time. Sakit hati :(

Wil Liam said...

OH! I totally understand how you feel!! Teaching is a noble job! Because of teachers, we are who we are now! I am ALWAYS grateful to my teachers! So, you future career is a good one!

Anonymous said...

hi!!i am dental student too and i totally agree with u..i hate medic doctor keep saying dentist can earn lots money and only know extract molars but charge them a lot!!
how cant they respect dental course as we respect medic course.. >.<

Wil Liam said...

Dear anonymous, that's a good one! I'm glad you feel the same way as I do! :)

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