Semester 1 exam's over! How was it? Just don't wanna talk about it.....Hopefully I do fine. But whatever it is, it's over! Phew.....*takes a DEEP breath!*
And so, today is the 1st day of my 3-week holiday. Nothing much to do, no vacations planned except the last few days which is blocked out for INCOVAR Buddhist camp. Other than that, probably just stay at home and enjoy the company of my family! ^^,
Went out immediately after my last paper yesterday: Japanese buffet at Tenji's and 2012 movie! Tenji was having its October-November promotion, lunch at 49.90++. So after tax was RM57.40 per person. Though was damn full (totally skipped dinner yesterday), I was not satisfied at all this time! Maybe I've been there too many times and was getting bored of that place. Anyway, I just think their standard has dropped! They changed their concept alright.....and I'm not a fan of it. I prefer the old style Tenji where quality food reigns over quantity. There were NO Unagi, NO roast lamb, NO cod fish, NO wine yesterday!!! And all of those are my favourite! Imagine, just how disappointed I am yesterday! Of course, I highlighted it in their comment form. Hopefully they'll read it instead of throwing it away. LOL! The only thing noticable was their new type of ice-cream called Kindori (oh by th way, they are serving 3 types of ice-cream now: Baskin Robbins and Haagen Daaz being the remaining 2) - it was frozen fruits and pure milk ice-cream. Very refreshing and totally guilt free! Haha...other than that, Tenji SUCKS now! I don't think I'll go back there again after this, unless it was someone's treat. :P
Anyway, at least the movie was G-R-E-A-T!!! 2012 was simply awesome! There's just no words to describe it! I LOVE the way the Earth ends (freaky though if it really happens)! And how high-tech modern Noah arks were built to safe mankind (I am a sucker for technology). Noteable things in the movie were that the Noah arks were built by the Chinese! Hahaha......and Chinese were allowed to go onboard. Talk about contributing to the gene population! LOL! Ok......ok.........I'm not being racist here ok. I'm just happy that Asians aren't villains or idiots in a Hollywood movie. It's a good change once in a while! :)
Am now still in college....packing my belongings to go home tomorrow morning. Need to clear off room, so a major spring cleaning to be done here. Sigh...... But, I am looking forward to go home....cause, guys....hehe....... Project-κ continues!!! ^^,
KY eats – Melaka’s Bunga Raya Wantan Mee
4 days ago
Tenji serves wine, cod fish,and roast lamb? 0.0
Yes! They USED to......but not on the day I went. So, I'm boycotting it from now on! Not worth my money anymore! Hmph!
boycott? haha... i never been there yet.. probably have to try once for me. >.<
mm.. might have to call them to confirm whether they have those wonderful menu before go there. :)
have you try the food in coffee terrace?
coffee terrace? where is that? what kind of food? buffet too? No...never been there but the name is quite familiar....Hmmmm....
i think Chinese were actually cheated in the movie...they built the thing, but hey weren't allowed on board. there was a scene where the main character asked if the workers is going up on the 'boat' too. the minister felo (i duno what post he hold, but seems big) kinda scolded him back. The seats on the boat was sold for a billion euro each. So they are not letting thousands of workers up for free. That's why the monk' bro (one of the worker) need to 'seludup' them in.
Haha...yeah I know that. If there were any villains, those Whites are the biggest villain of them all! Selfish bast*rds! LOL! but isn't it amazing that they portray Chinese to be that capable?! I mean....constructing those Noah arks in just a few years! They themselves were amazed! I was so proud at that moment! :)
yes agree! Chinese's efficiency & hardworks!
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