Is it normal to think about food when you are in the middle of your study week??? Hmm...I guess not....but I can't help it to think of the best food in Seremban for my next Project kappa entry. I've been Google-ing on Seremban food and there's quite a few recommendations that I had tried before and will definitely blog bout it the next time I visit those places again! In addition, I also had join a group in Facebook called "Places to eat in Seremban, Negeri Sembilan" and guessed it, it's a group for members to share and voice out their recommendations on food in and around our beloved Seremban town!
And here are what I had in mind for my next food blogging far......
1. Dim sum @ Ming Kok
2. Seremban Siew Pao @ Kee Mei, Blossom Heights
3. Seremban BBQ crabs @ the restaurant near Pasar Besar Seremban - I need kaki makan for this!! The more the merrier....I don't want to eat all the delicious crabs alone. Haha!
4. Hakka Mee @ Pasar Besar Seremban
5. Beef Noodle @ Pasar Besar Seremban - I need kaki makan for this too! Especially those who eat beef cause I don't! Haha....hopefully one that is able to describe the taste for me and fellow readers. :D
6. Cuttlefish Noodle @ Pasar Besar Seremban
7. Rojak @ the stall next to Madura, Paul Street - recommended by Xin Hui and Wye Lyng. Yet to try! Hehe....
8. Vegetarian @ Kam Kee, Jalan Rasah - some kaki makan for this too please! I plan to order a lot of delicious vegetarian dishes. I can't finish it alone! :P
And many many many more to come!! Do give me some ideas ya! Good food know no boundaries!
Now look at me.....what the hell am I doing here wasting time?!!! I need to study! Need to cover all the past years' questions! Need to get A's!!! :P
So long guys.....if you want to join, DO tell me! Project-κ 3, 4, 5, 6, etc....will be in FULL STEAM after my exams!!!
KY eats – Melaka’s Bunga Raya Wantan Mee
3 days ago
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